LeVzi Advanced Member
United Kingdom
944 posts Joined: Feb, 2019
Posted - 2020/05/02 : 06:15:08
quote:Originally posted by Impact:
Thanks for all the replies, and positive feedback
Firstly, I would never come back to hardcore and conform. Meaning, I would ONLY make what I believe to be hardcore, not the utter shit that I?m hearing currently (sorry people, it?s utter shit currently).
If I came back, I would do it my way, without the care for money, purely for the love. Maybe an Infexious Audio Digital 2.0, maybe something else. Either way, it would 100% and how I?ve always done it - A blend of uplifting vocal tracks and freeform
For Example: I?ve been talking to my good friend Kevin Energy about collaborating on some new vocal freeform tracks
PS: Sorry ?Guest?, I don?t like Gabba or hardstyle, never have, never will
What are your guys thoughts?
Well freeform is utter sh!t , so vocal freeform is about as bad as that genre could get.
Elys1um New Member
41 posts Joined: Apr, 2017
Posted - 2020/05/02 : 09:20:47
quote:Originally posted by LeVzi:
quote:Originally posted by Impact:
For Example: I?ve been talking to my good friend Kevin Energy about collaborating on some new vocal freeform tracks
What are your guys thoughts?
Well freeform is utter sh!t , so vocal freeform is about as bad as that genre could get.
I don't know what you're on about, this stuff can amazing
Granted whether you classify some of these as freeform or UKHC is pretty much a matter of coin toss... Anyway I don't know how vocals would fit in with that (if you mean uplifting UKHC female vocals), but old school UK freeform like that would be dope for sure
Vladel Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,522 posts Joined: Feb, 2008
Posted - 2020/05/02 : 13:52:50
quote:Originally posted by Impact:
Thanks for all the replies, and positive feedback
Firstly, I would never come back to hardcore and conform. Meaning, I would ONLY make what I believe to be hardcore, not the utter shit that I?m hearing currently (sorry people, it?s utter shit currently).
If I came back, I would do it my way, without the care for money, purely for the love. Maybe an Infexious Audio Digital 2.0, maybe something else. Either way, it would 100% and how I?ve always done it - A blend of uplifting vocal tracks and freeform
For Example: I?ve been talking to my good friend Kevin Energy about collaborating on some new vocal freeform tracks
PS: Sorry ?Guest?, I don?t like Gabba or hardstyle, never have, never will
What are your guys thoughts?
Sounds fantastic
remain calm do not be alarmed do not attempt to leave the dancefloor
Impulse_Response Advanced Member
United States
724 posts Joined: Jun, 2013
Posted - 2020/05/03 : 03:17:27
quote:Originally posted by Impact:
Thanks for all the replies, and positive feedback
Firstly, I would never come back to hardcore and conform. Meaning, I would ONLY make what I believe to be hardcore, not the utter shit that I?m hearing currently (sorry people, it?s utter shit currently).
If I came back, I would do it my way, without the care for money, purely for the love. Maybe an Infexious Audio Digital 2.0, maybe something else. Either way, it would 100% and how I?ve always done it - A blend of uplifting vocal tracks and freeform
For Example: I?ve been talking to my good friend Kevin Energy about collaborating on some new vocal freeform tracks
PS: Sorry ?Guest?, I don?t like Gabba or hardstyle, never have, never will
What are your guys thoughts?
I like everything I heard of your older material, so I'll support anything new you produce! Especially if you have uplifting vocal and freeform tracks.
Producers and record labels, please stop "loudness war" mastering everything. It sounds terrible.