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5 posts Joined: Jun, 2002
Posted - 2002/06/25 : 21:41:20
Alright heres a quickie, not quit sure which would be more practical, a snyth built into a keyboard or a boxed synth. Any difference ? I'd figure the keyboard snyth to be more practical, but hey I've been wrong before....
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Edited by - Wisp on 2002/06/25 21:44:26 |
New Member

66 posts Joined: Oct, 2001
Posted - 2002/06/26 : 07:52:58
your not wrong.
a rackmount will obviously save space and be a little bit cheaper, but usually theyre are identical.
what im mean by usually, is that sometimes they put features on each unit to make it sell or compete a lil beter.
Like the JP8000 and JP8080
both identical, but the 8080 has a vocoder afew more features while the 8k has the KB...
For we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams - Willy Wonka
For we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams - Willy Wonka
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5 posts Joined: Jun, 2002
Posted - 2002/07/05 : 01:57:03
Alright so the Access Virus Synth looks well, incredible. But then again so do the EMU's. I really dont know which to go with so I am looking around for places I can go and tinker with them, so I can make a choice.
I was playing around with the Korg Electribe Rythem Synthesizer, its more towards the percussions and what not prolly just sell it cause its geting me no where and the Roland 303 GrooveBox I have is cool, but still figuring it out, I dont have the manual. No one happens to know where to get a copy of the manual from do they ?
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 United States
472 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
Posted - 2002/07/05 : 02:01:56
Mosty likely you can find a PDF file of any manuel. as for tryin them out, go to your local music store and just ask
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 United States
144 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2002/07/08 : 10:26:36
wisp : the Access Virus will demolish the EMU's. :)
- barrett/sunrize
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66 posts Joined: Oct, 2001
Posted - 2002/07/10 : 08:30:02
totally agree...
access machine are sick.
also if u can get ur hands on a Novation Nova, do it...
fuggin beasts they are...
i like access stuff (especially the access virus c, but theyre a lil expensive, but if ur after an effects box, the novation is the one.. 7 effects busses
access novation ------------------------------ For we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams - Willy Wonka
For we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams - Willy Wonka
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Junior Member

 United States
144 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2002/07/11 : 02:45:16
i'm pickin up a novation k-station real soon. :) yummy
- barrett/sunrize
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5 posts Joined: Jun, 2002
Posted - 2002/07/30 : 02:10:12
Hmmn. Alright both these companies look awesome, only problem is I am not totally familiar with the specifications of these products. Are they PC oriented or can they be used with Mac, I understand they may hook up to a Mac but surely the software they provide isnt for Mac is it? I only ask because my system consist of a 1 GHZ Dual Processer G4. I 'm trying to build my system around it since it is my center hub. Most likely I will run with Cubase because Emagics graphics interface looks a bit strange and I hear good things about Cubase. I realize there may not be a whole lot of Mac users but its a preference. So let me know...
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Edited by - Wisp on 2002/07/30 02:12:06 |
Senior Member

 United States
499 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2002/07/30 : 09:54:46
All synths can be used on any platform that supports MIDI. IE: You need a soundcard with MIDI outs or you need to go buy a MIDI interface box. In Cubase, Logic, DP, or whatever you can set up all the notes and trigger them on MIDI channels, you just assign a sound in your synth to that MIDI channel and it'll trigger. BTW Macs are FAR superior to PC's for music for a lot of reasons. Unfortunately they are expensive, but since you already have one you are all set. I wish I had a Mac... :(
If you want a good decent studio for not crappy-generic music production and you have a Mac here's what I suggest (NOTE: All suggestions are for GOOD gear, not generic crap so it's gonna look kinda pricey):
Soundcard + Sequencer: Get a MOTU 828 and Digital Performer. They are offered in a bundle at a discount and it's the BEST music platform for a Mac bar none (well below some $5,000- $10,000 setup). DP is exremely powerful and easier to learn than most programs, and once you learn it it's really fast and well organized. My friend Ethan has a Mac Ti with this setup and it's amazing.
Hard Synth: 4 options depending on your price range and needs. I'd say get a Novation if you wanna do music with more fluffy, light, cheesy sounds and a Virus if you want harder, harsher, rougher sounds. They can both do hard and soft sounds, just easier to get fluff from a Nova and harsh from a Virus.
Novation Nova- Used on Ebay it's cheap. Like $600. It's 6 voice Multi-Timbral and 16 Voices of Polyphony. (You can have 6 different sounds and up to 16 notes pressed at the same time).
Access Virus B- Used it's $900. 16 Voice Multi, 24 Poly.
Novation Supernova 2- Used about $1500. I think these are 8 Multi, 24 Poly.
Access Virus C- New it's $1400. 16 Voice Multi, 32 Poly.
Soft Synth: Native Instrument and other make exremely powerful soft synths and they will save you money over getting a "hard synth". But it sounds like you want a real one, but lemme know if you wanna go software and Ill suggest some stuff.
Sampler: Get NI's Kontkat. It's software, it's really good, and it's WAY cheaper than a real sampler.
Controller: Now I suggest getting a non-Keyboard version of whatever synth you get and then get a good controller with assignable knobs. Not only can you use it as a keyboard for both your synth and sampler, but you can assign common functions in both to the knobs and it'll make your life much easier. I personally love the Evolution C series. The MK-225C, MK-249C, and MK-261C with 25, 49, and 61 Keys respectively. And I think 8, 12, and 16 assignable knobs.
Mixer and Monitors: you'll need a good mixer and good monitors if you want an easier life and more "pro" results. Lemme know if you want suggestions and what your price range. Good mixer = $300-$2000. Good monitors = $300-$5000+++++. If you get all soft synths + samplers you can do all your mixing internally and it'll save you cash.
If you go the all software route you could get a really decent setup for about $1750 to $2000. Hardware you're looking at $2500-$4000. Or you can get Fruity Loops for $60 and just play the tracks thru your computer speakers :)
What kinda music you wanna make? What's your budget? Lemme know :)
Happy Hardcore makes me feel like a Koala bear just crapped a rainbow in my brain.
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1 post Joined: Aug, 2002
Posted - 2002/08/07 : 23:56:20
What Soren is writing about software samplers/synths is true, But it requires a good soundcard. Kontakt is great in many ways. You can use Akai sample CD's, and there is also a lot of great free soundfonts ( it can also play soundfonts ) out there. Look at
But remember one thing about softsynths.
1. In my experience, you will have to work very hard to get the real fat soundscape that you get from a real sound.
2. You need a powerful PC, because you will want to run several VST/DX plugins.
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