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 Congo, Democractic Republic of the
66 posts Joined: Oct, 2001
Posted - 2002/03/22 : 18:48:34
I heard this tune ages ago on an old tape that was lent to me by a m8. Sadly, the tape was stolen along with my car.(I would have swapped them the car for the tape but no, they had to have both) Anyway I dont know the artist but heres the lyrics............
Being in love really sucks,
being in love really sucks,
babies cost alot of money,
please dont make me f*** you honey.
'have you ever been happy, just to hear a song'
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Edited by - JAM-HAY on 2002/03/23 13:28:05 |
M.C Menace
Junior Member

 United Kingdom
123 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
Posted - 2002/03/23 : 05:37:38
I have never heard that but it sounds realy sh**
M.C Menace - were raving from 7 till 11 were ravin in a hardcore heaven
__________________________________ M.C Menace - were raving from 7 till 11 were ravin in a hardcore heaven
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New Member

 Congo, Democractic Republic of the
66 posts Joined: Oct, 2001
Posted - 2002/03/23 : 13:25:49
Why? Im sure it was an old Bass Gen. tape. Someones bound to have come across it. The bass lines just mental all the way through, mixed in with some cracking melody and topped off with some pritty weird sampled lyrics, the bass picks you up, and the melody takes you away, works for me. What do you think is the right formula for a hardcore classic if not this? Anyway if anyone could help us out with an artists name that would be great, and if anyones got a spare copy on vinyl? name your price.
'have you ever been happy, just to hear a song'
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M.C Menace
Junior Member

 United Kingdom
123 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
Posted - 2002/03/24 : 06:21:41
If its a bass gen tune it probably is great, but the lyrics suck.
M.C Menace - were raving from 7 till 11 were ravin in a hardcore heaven
__________________________________ M.C Menace - were raving from 7 till 11 were ravin in a hardcore heaven
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Advanced Member

706 posts Joined: Jun, 2001
Posted - 2002/03/24 : 23:24:16
Love really sucks by the stunned guys on Forze i think
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