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Senior Member

 United Kingdom
387 posts Joined: Dec, 2001
6 hardcore releases
Posted - 2002/01/29 : 08:13:16
Well i bought the new single cos i saw it had shooting star on it!! Yes it is the Bang! one!!!! God nik y didnt u tell us!!!!!!?
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DJ Mouse
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
2,687 posts Joined: Jul, 2001
Posted - 2002/01/29 : 13:50:59
by any chance does the cd have that bootleg on it? it's those vocals over rank 1 - airwave
DJ Mouse In Da House!!!
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Edited by - DJ Mouse on 2002/01/29 13:52:17 |

12,571 posts Joined: Feb, 2001
894 hardcore releases
Posted - 2002/01/29 : 16:12:00
it's a different singer...
you, me and hardcore forever.
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
3,049 posts Joined: Nov, 2001
Posted - 2002/01/30 : 08:20:05
Let me get this straight, the CD Single thing in the States has one of the HARDCORE mixes of Shooting Star on?
Or is it the.... *shudders* Pop Mix? :)
"Some people see things as they are... and say "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and say "Why Not?" "
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12,571 posts Joined: Feb, 2001
894 hardcore releases
Posted - 2002/01/30 : 15:54:04
There is a US single release with a hardcore version on it?
you, me and hardcore forever.
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,032 posts Joined: Sep, 2001
Posted - 2002/01/31 : 09:00:35
**shudders very very very violently while having a fit ** POP version as in britney spears esque pop version..........Find me the man behind this crime( n if its by sum chance Nick , what were u thinking):P what version are there of shootuing star i know theres lotta hardcore ones but theres a trance one aint they herd that, hard hous eon i think, happy hardcore ( obviously original and best) pop version anymore? Like sum fcuked up house version or ote?
go too the flow where the E wil rush me ooooooohhh Rush me.....e rush me...go to the flow where the e will rush me..rush me nicely.
You will not laugh, You will not cry, You will learn by the numbers!
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Nick of Blaze!
Average Member

 United Kingdom
196 posts Joined: Sep, 2001
Posted - 2002/01/31 : 11:49:51
OK... let me nip this in the bud straight away.
Firstly, you have to understand there are two things here.
1) Shooting Star, the Bang! Version we all know,
2) Shooting Star, The Song.
As a song, with lyrics, chords and melodies, it will travel to almost ANY genre of music. Hardcore was the first, but it isnt the last.
I wrote the song and the original version myself, music, lyrics, melodies, everything, in other words, the mixes you hear (Hams mixes, Brisks know...all of them) are remixes or cover versions. Much the same as "Unchained Melody" has been covered by dozens of Artists, with different renditions, styles, adaptations etc, this is the same as Shooting Star.
In the UK, we have a Royalty Collection agency called the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS - I have an agreement with them that if someone wishes to create a new version of my song "Shooting Star" (or ANY of my songs for that matter) they can issue a LICENCE for that person to do that.
This is the agreement I have with them.
Consequently, Flip & Fill and their record company decided to cover my song "Shooting Star", so they contacted the MCPS and paid the money, and got the licence. They then recreated my original song using their production and vocalist.
Because I have given the MCPS authority to do this (and thousands of writers do this as well), they can issue these licenses without telling me personally, or getting my permission. Therefore, as with Flip & Fill's version, I only heard about it from a Member of my music website. He told me there was this trance mix floating around and I found a demo file on the web.
So, I never knew anything about it until then.
I don't have much say over this situation, UNLESS there are moral issues such as my song being used to support bloodsports or something like that (which I vehemently detest). In that case I have a case to say, No, you cannot use my song.
You will no doubt hear many cover versions of Shooting Star over the years. They will pop up because just like (most of) us, an artist somewhere loves the song, and reckon it's worthy of covering.
As a songwriter, this is a compliment to have a song covered, but, as always, my songs start in this scene first, unless I know they DEFINATELY aren't hardcore.
I hope everyone understands this, it's a bit "music bizz" but that's how it works. "Shooting Star" will always be hardcore, but because it's a song, it can travel almost anywhere.
Cheers guys
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